The Celebration had been at 10.00 am in Tylers Green Church and I had prepared the Pyx and the private Communion set, for the Vicar was to take the Reserved Sacrament to a dying parishioner immediately afterwards. When the Service was over and the congregation had gone, I waited on to tidy up after the Vicar had left the Vestry.
I remember the occasion most vividly, I noticed that the Pyx with the Consecrated Elements had been left on the Altar and presently the Vicar came down the aisle with a worried expression on his face. He told me he had just had a message asking him not to come for another hour and he must in consequence, go home and alter some appointments.
I promised I would not leave the Church till he returned; and I think it was the most beautiful ½ hour that I have ever spent in my life – an experience which comes back to me again and again to give me courage.
The wonder of it – that I should be left alone to guard that little thing lying upon the Altar.
The smallness, the insignificance of It, the fact that no one else knew It was there, at the mightiness of what It contained. The awful humbleness of God, the lowliness of Love. And there, alone with It in the Church, I felt the companionship of Jesus, His living all pervading physical Presence as I cannot dare to hope I shall ever feel it again.
For that short half hour He was closer to me than breathing and nearer than hands and feet; and that amazing experience has made me think of Tylers Green Church as the Garden must have seemed to Mary Magdalene – that it was there that I met my Lord and that He spoke to me.