Mrs Becher's Diary


The Besting of the B.C. Council

The resignation of Mr Long as Headmaster of Tylers Green School and the appointment of Mark King Filby in his place was an event which seems worthy to be chronicled. The B.C.C had selected four applications from the very many which had been sent them and these applicants were to be interviewed by a joint Committee consisting of three members of the BCC and three members nominated from among the local Body of Managers, viz. the Vicar, Mr Bacon and myself. As we filed into the Parish Room I proposed and Mr Bacon immediately seconded that, as the meeting was being held in Tylers Green, the Chair should be taken by the Rev. G Hayward, Chairman of the Managers. The members of the BCC were obviously discomfited and explained that it was usual for one of themselves to act as Chairman. At their express request I withdrew my proposition and one of their number was duly elected.

We considered the application and it was soon apparent that the BCC representatives were more than anxious to appoint a certain man, whose credentials, we found, were the least good of the four. It seemed that for some reason, they wished to move him from his present post and the vacancy at Tylers Green was their opportunity. The two older men were unanimously ruled out and there remained Mr Mark Filby, a virile young man with the most excellent credentials obviously the most suitable for the post. In the end both parties proposed their man – 3 aside and the Chairman then threw in his casting vote and declared the appointment filled! We immediately pointed out that it was only because of our withdrawing our original proposition (at their request) with regard to the election of a Chairman, that the casting vote was in their hands, and that if this was their

usual procedure why carry out the mockery of inviting local managers to assist at the selection, when in fact, the choice was already made.

We represented the unfairness of the arrangements and appealed strongly to the Sec. of the BCC against the appointment which had been made contrary to our united wishes.

After much correspondence, we three were summoned to Aylesbury to attend an enquiry into the matter and to state our case before the whole of the BC Council. The 2 applicants were again brought before us, and we were asked individually which we considered most suitable. We were firm in our choice of M K Filby, on account of his infinitely better testimonials. We said we desired that the best for our school and that the manner of the appointment had been unfair. It was a long enquiry and a just one, after the Council had deliberated in private, we were again called in and informed that the protest had been accepted and that M.K.Filby had been appointed, at our request, to fill the post made vacant by the resignation of Mr S G Long.